Traditional marriages are one of the most beautiful aspects of my country. Our weddings are always amazing and full of life. My purpose of these pictures are just to show the actual process of how traditional marriages are performed by the Igbo people.

Whether its a village meeting or a traditional wedding the beggining of each event starts with one of the ummuna (elders of the village) to pray over the event and welcome the people present at the moment.

This picture represents what the Igbo people call Oji or Oji Igbo. It is the first thing served to visitors in any Igbo home. Oji is also served before any important function such as weddings, disputes and entering into any agreement.

The MC (Master Of Ceremony) a very important job in times of weddings and events altogether. The MCs job is to keep the people connected with him through jokes and puns, sometimes even real stories.

Tradtional brides attire 1 of 2

The Asoebi. A slang term for bridesmaids. The actual meaning is a uniform dress that is traditionally worn in Nigeria and other African cultures as an indicator of cooperation and solidarity during ceremonies and festivals

The first dance to show the bride and the bridesmaids. Also to carry a cup of palmwine and find her bride in the crowd.

When the bride finds the groom the groom then showers her with a token of love (money) .

After the bride and groom find each other the fathers of the couple must give blessings to marry and prays over the couple (yes again). This is also the time when the bride prices are paid.

My village takes their "Groups" very serious. this a picture of the Mens Age Grade Group created to help solve the issues of the young adults of the village.